Efforts to understand, improve, or do less harm to the world around me.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Cat-talk linguistics

Language transforms depending on people and situations. One such example is the baby-talk associated with animals and the sort of generated order and language that comes out of this. Although dogs understand far more actual words than cats, there is a rhyme and a reason behind what is ostensibly outright silliness. Nonsense talk for children and adults has an interest in communication, even if it is a complicated form of self-talk or personification.


Situation: Cat is not present

"No kittens for snuggles. Iss de sad. Meow. Kittens no for joo. Mow."

Translation: I am disappointed by the lack of cats here.

"Wants de pets and deshnuggles. Mow."

Translation: I would like to pet cats.

"And da kittenz. For de hugs and pets and wuv. Kittens no for joo."

Translation: Cats generally prevent me from feeling lonely but, again, there are none here.

"Want to hug. Pweeeeeze? Yes. For to luves and more hugs (kittens)."

Translation: I hope I can find cats to sate my desire to give and receive affection.

"Are for de snuuugglyyyy."

Translation: I enjoy petting cats as doing so is therapeutic.

Situation: Cat is present.

"Hello kittens! Yes hello. Hi hi hi."

Translation: Greetings.

Situation: Animal is available to petting.

"He's so soft. I loves him."

Translation: I enjoy petting this cat and have warm feelings for it.

"How are joo? How are joo?"

Translation: I am concerned for this cat's well-being.

"Are joo for sad? Huh snuggles? Done be sad. Iz for to snugle."

Translation: You seem lonely and should not be currently.

"Oh yes kittens! Hello! Meow!"

Translation: Its nice to have a cat present.

Related: Inanity and cats

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