Efforts to understand, improve, or do less harm to the world around me.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

What to do about the economy?

In a strong case for the current stimulus, John Stewart talks to John Sununu about the economic recovery and the recent Republican focus on taxes, pointing out that the last 8 years have been about reducing taxes to stimulate the economy and that's what got us where we are now.

Additionally, Republican lawmakers including John McCain complaining that our children must pay this debt seems hypocritical as a Republican-controlled federal government who, for the last 8 years, reduced taxes while spending more.

Still, even with a line of thinking that seems to favor the current stimulus package, where does it end? Just because Bush Jr. pushed the deficit to record levels at a record rate, the opposite of this failure is not to spike it higher and faster. Are Americans just numb to this issue? Someone's got to pay for this someday. Someone must kill the level of comfort we all feel with being in debt both personally and nationally.

Is the only advocate I can find for this really "they have been positioning Obama for a long long time" Ron Paul?

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